Fig. 3. The R207C-I138C double-cysteine PrPC mutant acts as an H-latch mimic.
a,b, 15N-heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectra of rmPrP free (red) and mPrP2cys (blue). Residues with different chemical shifts in the two spectra are colored orange on the GD structure in b, which resemble the H-latch conformation in the POM1–PrP complex. c, MD simulations show that mPrP2cys resembles the PrP–POM1 complex, with increased flexibility in the α2–α3 and β2–α2 loops and decreased flexibility in the 2Cys region, corresponding to the POM1 epitope. d–f, PrnpZH3/ZH3 COCS transduced with a bi-cistronic AAV expressing mNG and mPrPC (left) or mPrP2Cys (right). See Extended Data Figure 3f for quantification. Scale bars: 250 µm. d, mNG was visible in all COCS at 15 days post transduction (dpt, top row) but disappeared in mPrP2Cys at 31 dpt (bottom row). e, Calbindin-1+ Purkinje cells were preserved at 15 dpt but became largely undetectable at 31 dpt, possibly as a result of mPrP2Cys toxicity. f, Dose escalation of twice as many viral vectors as in d and e led to earlier onset of mPrP2cys-mediated neurodegeneration. Significant neurodegeneration was observable at 15 dpt; see quantification in Extended Data Figure 3f.