Fig. 1. EEG parameters as neurophysiological biomarkers.
Spearman correlation of amplitude of MMN deviants, ASSR parameters, and gamma band power with all clinical assessments (A), MCCB overall composite T-score (B), and PANSS total score (C) at baseline. + Correlation coefficient ≥0.3 and p < 0.05; − correlation coefficient ≤ −0.3 and p < 0.05. ASSR auditory steady-state response, EEG electroencephalography, LNS letter-number span, MATRICS Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia, MCCB MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery, MMN mismatch negativity, NAB neuropsychological assessment battery, PANSS positive and negative syndrome scale, PLF phase-locking factor, TMTA Trail Making Test Part A, WMS-III SS Wechsler Memory Scale 3rd edition, Spatial Span.