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. 2022 Jul 29;9:961413. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.961413

Table 1.

Comparisons of the central nervous system between sheep and humans.

Features/Gross Sheep Human References
Brain shape Smaller and elongated Larger and rounded (18)
Skull thickness (mm) 5.0–6.0 6.5–7.5 (19)
Brain mass (g) 130–140 1,300–1,400 (14)
Four lobes defined by external landmarks Present Present (12)
Sulci and gyri Present Present (1214)
Cerebral cortex Primarily neocortex Primarily neocortex (13, 20)
Motor cortex Located in frontal lobe (superior frontal gyrus) Located in frontal lobe (21)
Somatosensory cortex Located in frontal lobe (middle frontal gyrus) Located in parietal lobe (21)
Cortical layers Distinct cellular layers I-VI Distinct cellular layers I-VI (22)
Cortical interneuron Significant role Significant role (23)
Frontal lobe Small Very large (18)
Olfactory bulb Large and well-developed Small (24, 25)
Optic chiasm More pronounced Less pronounced
Orbit indentation Side Front (26)
Visual cortex More lateral More midline (26)
White matter Abundant Very abundant (27)
Cerebrum More elongated Less elongated (18)
Rigid tentorium cerebelli Present Present (28)
Cerebellum Smaller, located posteriorly (behind the cerebrum) Larger, located caudally (29)
Meninges Thick, well-developed Thick, well-developed (18)
Subventricular zone Laminar structure Laminar structure (30)
Subgranular Zone Laminar structure Laminar structure (30)
Hippocampus Ventral aspects of cerebrum Ventral aspects of cerebrum (24)
Basal ganglia Separate caudate and putamen Separate caudate and putamen (14, 16)
Substantia nigra pars compacta and pars reticulata cell diameter (μm) 9–26 and 10–23 14–50 and 20–30 (22, 31)
Substantia nigra pars compacta and pars reticulata average volume (mm3) 13 and 152 68 (22, 31)
Substantia nigra pars compacta and pars reticulata average cell number 39,481 and 51,800 436,000 (22, 31)
Gross spinal cord Located posteriorly Located caudally (18)
Vertebral bodies (Cervical spine) Taller than wide Wider than tall (32)
Lumbar spine curvature Kyphotic Lordotic (32)
Spinal canal width Wider (Identical to human) Wider (32)
Spinous process (cervical and thoracic regions) Longer Smaller (32)
Spinous process (Lumbar regions) Longer Longer (32)
Sciatic nerve origin L6-S2 L4-S3 (33)
Pineal gland Large and round; located at the interface between the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum, not lobulated Small, pine cone shaped, located within the posterior wall of the third ventricle near the center of the brain, lobulated (34)

Where no journal reference is given, the human features/gross are adopted for comparison with sheep data from the Nervous System by Snyder et al. (18) with permission from Elsevier.