– Done-based LiDAR capture over large, forested search areas. 3D model, captured with drone-based LiDAR, of the Belanglo State Forest in New South Wales, Australia. This type of LiDAR capture allows for an overall scene view, as well as the ability to see through the tree cover. The colour bar on the right highlights the relative heights of the surface (height above drone launch point), showing elevation changes. This is helpful when search areas are in forests, such as the case for Australian serial killer Ivan Milat. This is the site where Milat deposited his seven known murder victims. A full case summary can be found at [90]. This figure was captured using Emesent Hovermap [91] and visualized in Quick Terrain Modeler [92]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)