Extended Data Fig. 7. FOXM1 target gene functions in meningiomas and meningioma cells.
a, Predicted network of FOXM1-regulated pathways in Hypermitotic meningiomas based on H3K27ac ChIP sequencing of 25 meningiomas with matched RNA sequencing and DNA methylation profiling (15 Hypermitotic, 10 non-Hypermitotic). b, Immunoblot for Merlin, FOXM1, or GAPDH in IOMM-Lee meningioma cells stably expressing a non-targeting ontrol shRNA (shNTC) or shRNAs suppressing NF2 (shNF2-1 or shNF2-2), after treatment with actinomycin D or vehicle control for 24 hours. c, QPCR for FOXM1 in M10G meningioma cells over-expressing FOXM1 or empty vector (EV). 3 biological replicates per condition. ***p≤0.0001 (Student’s t test, one-sided). d, Quantification of Annexin V confocal microscopy in M10G cells over-expressing FOXM1 or EV after treatment with actinomycin D or vehicle control for 24 hours. From left to right, 57, 58, 65, or 60 cells are shown (ANOVA, one-sided). Lines represent means, and error bars represent standard error of the means.