Survival and CBC recovery of vehicle- and Neulasta-treated JDO mice following 9 Gy TBI. IR male and female JDO mice were injected subcutaneously with two doses of 1 mg kg−1 Neulasta or vehicle at 24–26 hours and d8 post-TBI and monitored for survival for 30 d (a, n = 52–102 mice per group, **p<0.001). CBC at baseline (d-3 or d-4, n = 16 mice) and on study d2–30 from randomly selected male and female mice are shown for WBC (b), NE (c), LY (d), RBC (e), PLT (f). *p≤0.01 comparing combined data from all time points of each group, n = 4–16 at each time point with the exception of d25, n = 2–4. Data are from two separate experiments.