Mediation model results. Results of the mediation model show that the left amygdala volume at Time 2 mediated associations between threat exposure at Time 1 and externalizing as well as internalizing symptoms at Time 3. All estimates shown are standardized. Although individual path estimates were not statistically significant at p < .05, the fully mediated model was statistically significant (lines in black), with no direct relationship between threat and externalizing or internalizing symptoms at Time 3 (lines in grey). Note that covariates are not depicted here, but that age at Time 1 was covaried for each variable and total intracranial volume (TIV) as well as site at Time 2 were covariates for left amygdala volume at Time 2. The 3D rendering of the left amygdala from the FSAverage segmentation is displayed in blue on the MNI152 brain template.