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. 2022 May 18;43(13):4091–4102. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25904


Demographic variables for the full sample and comparisons by data collection site

Full sample (n = 243) Site 1 (UNMC 1) (n = 135) Site 2 (MRN) (n = 108) Comparison
Variable n % n % n % χ 2 p
Sex, male 120 49.38 63 47.70 57 52.78 0.61 .44
Race 9.89 .08
AI/AN 7 2.90 1 0.70 6 5.60
Asian 1 .40 1 0.70 0 0
B/AA 7 2.90 5 3.70 2 1.90
White 197 81.10 106 78.5 91 84.30
More than 1 race 18 7.40 12 8.90 6 5.60
Not reported 13 5.30 10 7.40 3 2.80
Ethnicity 25.22 <.01
Latinx 54 22.20 14 10.40 40 37.00
Not Latinx 184 75.70 117 86.70 67 62.00
Not reported 5 2.10 4 3.0 1 0.90
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range t p
Age T1 11.73 (1.78) 9–15 11.70 (1.69) 9–15 11.76 (1.88) 9–15 0.24 .81
Age T2 12.96 (1.81) 10–17 12.88 (1.69) 9–15 13.04 (1.95) 10–17 0.71 .48
Age T3 13.86 (1.75) 11–17 13.96 (1.93) 11–17 13.79 (1.61) 11–16 0.63 .53
Stress T1 23.15 (7.98) 11–62 23.07 (7.89) 11–62 23.28 (8.18) 12–56 0.50 .62
Threat T1 0.93 (1.24) 0–6 1.10 (1.32) 0–5 0.79 (1.16) 0–6 1.43 .15
L Amygdala T2 1576.29 (329.17) 410.40–3307.00 1628.26 (395.10) 426.40–3307.00 1536.20 (263.63) 410.40–2025.90 0.28 .78
R Amygdala T2 1575.73 (355.11) 216.20–3056.40 1588.34 (393.48) 216.20–3056.40 1566.00 (325.04) 289.70–2190.30 0.31 .76
L Hippocampus T2 4288.71 (586.77) 1839.90–7732.90 4245.07 (722.36) 1839.90–7732.90 4322.38 (458.58) 3185.90–5806.50 2.88 < .01
R Hippocampus T2 4318.11 (605.38) 1917.30–8064.00 4289.58 (743.61) 1917.30–8064.00 4340.13 (476.91) 2630.00–5487.00 1.11 .27
Internalizing T3 5.02 (5.57) 0–29 4.67 (5.41) 0–28 5.43 (5.77) 0–29 0.78 .44
Externalizing T3 3.48 (4.24) 0–21 3.25 (3.79) 0–14 3.75 (4.73) 0–21 0.67 .50
Dysregulation T3 6.63 (6.26) 0–28 6.33 (6.23) 0–28 6.97 (6.32) 0–28 0.57 .57

Note: Brain measures are reported in volume mm3. Age at each timepoint is reported in years. Internalizing, externalizing, and dysregulation are all raw scores from the Child Behavior Checklist. To evaluate potential study site effects, χ 2 analyses were conducted for binary variables and independent samples t‐tests were conducted for continuous variables.

Abbreviations: AI/AN, American Indian/Alaska Native; B/AA, Black, African American; L, left; R, right; T, time.