Table 10. Summary of adverse effects and herb-drug interactions of the most common herbs.
SJW: St. John’s Wort, INR: International Normalised Ratio, CYP: Cytochrome P-450 enzymes, P-gp: P-glycoprotein, BP: Blood Pressure, HR: Heart Rate, PAD: Peripheral Artery Disease, CCB: Calcium Channel Blockers, HA: Headache, N: nausea, V: vomiting, ADHD: attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder, GI: Gastrointestinal, ICB: intracerebral bleeding, BF: Breast Feeding, OC: Oral Contraceptives
Herb Name (Latin/Scientific) | Promoted for | Adverse Effect | Herb-Drug Interaction | |
Interacting Drug | Effect of Interaction | |||
Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa, Cimicifuga racemosa) | hot flashes, other menopausal symptoms | stomach upset, cramping, HA, rash, feeling of heaviness, vaginal spotting or bleeding, weight gain | statins | reduced effectiveness |
Garlic (Allium sativum) | high blood cholesterol, high BP | odor (breath & body), heartburn, stomach upset, risk of bleeding | Chlorpropamide | hypoglycemia |
Paracetamol | changes in pharmacokinetic variables | |||
Warfarin | increased INR | |||
Saquinavir | decreased concentration | |||
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) | anxiety, allergies, dementia, eye problems, PAD, tinnitus | HA, stomach upset, dizziness, N, V, palpitations, constipation, allergic skin reactions, bleeding risk, liver & thyroid cancer (animal study), early labor or extra bleeding during delivery (in pregnancy), ICB | Aspirin | spontaneous hyphaema |
Thiazide diuretic | increased BP | |||
Trazodone | coma | |||
Warfarin (Coumadin) | increased bleeding risk | |||
Ginseng, Asian (Panax ginseng) | to increase resistance to stress (adaptogen), for general well-being (general tonic), to improve physical stamina, concentration & memory; to stimulate immune function; to slow the aging process; to relieve respiratory & cardiovascular disorders, depression, anxiety, menopausal hot flashes, premature ejaculation (topical) | insomnia, menstrual problems, breast pain, increased HR, high or low BP, HA, loss of appetite, digestive problems, altered blood sugar, birth defects (animal study), questionable safety for infants, children, pregnancy or BF, platelet inhibition, lowering blood glucose | Drugs metabolized by CYP3A4 (Ginseng induces CYP3A4 enzymes) | decrease the effectiveness of drugs such as CCB, some chemotherapeutic & HIV agents, certain antihypertensive & statin medications, some antidepressants |
Warfarin | decreased INR | |||
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) | colds and other respiratory tract infections, allergic rhinitis, ulcers, digestive upsets such as diarrhea and constipation, mouthwash, eyewash | unsafe for pregnancy or breastfeeding, neonatal jaundice | Metformin | drop in metformin level |
Drugs metabolised by CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 (Goldenseal inhibits both CYP2D6 & CYP3A4) | increase in the level of many pharmaceutical agents currently in use | |||
SJW (Hypericum perforatum) | depression, menopausal symptoms, ADHD, somatic symptom disorder, OCD, topical use for skin conditions (wounds & bruises) & muscle pain | GI disturbances, allergic reactions, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, dry mouth, photosensitivity/phototoxicity (skin rash, nephropathy), insomnia, anxiety, headache, or sexual dysfunction, unsafe for pregnancy or BF (infantile colic, drowsiness & fussiness) | Drugs with pharmacokinetics involving CYP3A4 and P-gp (SJW is a potent inducer of CYP and intestinal P-g) | reduction in cyclosporine, indinavir, nevirapine, OC, warfarin (reduce INR), digoxin, ivabradine, benzodiazepines, tacrolimus, irinotecan, imatinib theophylline, venlafaxine, statins |
Certain antidepressants | serotonin syndrome |