Figure 2.
Pseudouridine and N1-methylpseudouridine slow down peptidyl transfer by the ribosome
(A) A representative electrophoretic TLC of triplicates showing the translation products of three different initiation complexes—UAC mRNA, ΨAC mRNA, or m1ΨAG mRNA—in the absence and presence of cognate tRNA (Tyr-tRNATyr tRNA) ternary complex.
(B) A representative time course plot of triplicates showing the kinetics of f-Met-Tyr peptide formation in the presence of unmodified (U), pseudouridine (Ψ)-containing, and N1-methylpseudouridine (m1Ψ)-containing A-site UAC codon.
(C and D) Bar graph showing the measured observed rates of peptide-bond formation and reaction endpoints, respectively, in the presence of 1 μM initiation complex and 2.5 μM tRNATyr•EFTu•GTP ternary complex.
Plotted are the average values determined from three independent time courses, with error bars representing the standard deviation around the mean. p values are denoted above the plots.