Figure 3.
Unlike Ψ, m1Ψ has little to no effect on the accuracy of tRNA selection
(A) Representative electrophoretic TLCs of triplicates showing dipeptide formation reactions (10 s time point) of near/non-cognate tRNAs with UAC, ΨAC, or m1ΨAG initiation complexes. Arrowheads denote the translation product of each respective aa-tRNA.
(B–E) Representative time courses of triplicates of near-cognate tRNA ternary complexes (Asp, His, Asn, and Ser) and UAC, ΨAC, or Met-m1ΨmAG initiation complexes. The codon (UAC; modification in red) and near-cognate tRNA are indicated.
(F and G) Bar graph showing the measured observed rates of peptide-bond formation and reaction endpoints, respectively, in the presence of 1 μM initiation complex and 2.5 μM denoted ternary complex.
Plotted are the average values determined from three independent time courses, with error bars representing the standard deviation around the mean. p values are denoted above the plots.