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. 2022 Aug 1;10:965282. doi: 10.3389/fped.2022.965282

Table 3.

Clinical characteristics.

Clinical characteristics All DEE patients (N = 33) DEE with genetic diagnosis (N = 15) DEE without genetic diagnosis (N = 18)
Female gender % (n/total n) 39% (13/33) 47% (7/15) 33% (6/18)
Average age in 2021 in year (min-max) 20,12 (5–49) 19,7 (5–31) 20,4 (6–49)
Age interval of reported seizure onset 1 day – 3y and 7mo 2 days – 3y 1 day – 3y and 7mo
First seizure before the age of 2y, in % (n/total n) 70% (23/33) 87% (13/15) 56% (10/18)
Active epilepsy in 2021 97% (32/33) 93% (14/15) 100% (18/18)
ASM use in 2021 94% (31/33) 87% (13/15) 100% (18/18)
Average number of reported ASMs tried (min-max) 6, 6 (1–15) 5, 6 (1–10) 7, 5 (2–15)
Ketogenic diet tried (n tried/total n) 24% (8/33) 20% (3/15) 28% (5/18)
Infantile spasms 15% (5/33) 13% (2/15) 17% (3/18)
Status epilepticus (n/total n) 15% (5/33) 13% (2/15) 17% (3/18)
EEG with hypsarrhythmia 12% (4/33) 7% (1/15) 17% (3/18)
Normal development prior to first seizure 51% (17/33) 47% (7/15) 56% (10/18)
ID any degree
 ID mild-moderate degree
 ID severe-profound degree
 ID unspecified degree
 Too young for testing
97% (32/33)
45% (15/33)
33% (13/33)
18% (6/33)
3% (1/33)
93% (14/15)
27% (4/15)
47% (7/15)
20% (3/15)
7% (1/15)
100% (18/18)
61% (11/18)
22% (4/18)
17% (3/18)
0% (0/18)
Behavioral disturbances 58% (19/33) 27% (4/15) 83% (15/18)
Language development delayed 82% (27/33) 87% (13/15) 78% (14/18)
No verbal language in 2021 36% (12/33) 47% (7/15) 28% (5/18)
Delayed motor development 84% (28/33) 93% (14/15) 78% (14/18)
Walking in 2021 (n/total n) 73% (24/33) 60% (9/15) 83% (15/18)

n, number; y, years; min, minimum; max, maximum; mo, month(s); ASM, antiseizure medicine; EEG, electro encephalography; ID, intellectual disability; NA, not applicable.