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. 1999 May;181(10):3096–3104. doi: 10.1128/jb.181.10.3096-3104.1999


Bacterial strains and plasmids

Strain or plasmid Genotype or relevant phenotype Source or reference
S. typhimurium
 14028s Wild type ATCCa
 CS019 14028s phoN2 zxx::6251 Tn10d-Cm 34
 CS401 CS019 Strr; wild-type invasion/TTSS S. I. Miller lab
 CJ010 CS019 with sirA::Tn10d-Tc 20
 IB040 CS019 with prgH::TnphoA, invasion defective 3
 DAP3 IB040 with sirA::Tn10d 20
 CJ022 DAP3 with pCJ20 20
 JLR020 DAP3 with pWKSHRV2.3 This work
 JLR002 DAP3 with pCJ20a This work
 JLR010 DAP3 with pCJ20b This work
 JLR016 DAP3 with pCJ20c This work
 JLR018 DAP3 with pCJ20d This work
 CJ023 DAP3 with pCJ22 20
 HRB002 DAP3 with pCJ22a This work
 HRB003 DAP3 with pCJ22b This work
 HRB004 DAP3 with pCJ22c This work
 HRB005 DAP3 with pCJ22d This work
 HRB090 ΔsirB 1.2-kb in-frame deletion in CS401 This work
 CS015 phoP102::Tn10d-Cm PhoP 35
 CS022 pho-24 PhoPc, PhoP-repressed genes constitutively repressed 35
 VV341 hilA::kan 2
 JLR158 CS401 with hilA::kan from VV341 This work
 JLR028 sirC::luc in CS401, measures sirC expression in the presence of SirC This work
 JLR077 CS015 with sirC::luc from JLR028 This work
 JLR076 CS022 with sirC::luc from JLR028 This work
 JLR027 JLR028 with hilA::kan from VV341 This work
 JLR040 CJ010 with sirC::luc from JLR028 This work
 HRB094 HRB090 with sirC::luc from JLR028 This work
 JLR053 ΔsirC 748-bp in-frame deletion in CS401 This work
 CL87 iagB::lacZY measures hilA expression in the presence of HilA, wild-type invasiveness Gift of C. Lee
 JLR129 CS401 with iagB::lacZY from CL87 This work
 JLR130 JLR053 with iagB::lacZY from CL87 This work
 JLR151 JLR129 with sirA::Tn10d from CJ010 This work
 JLR152 JLR130 with sirA::Tn10d from CJ010 This work
 EE638 sspC::Tn5-lacZY 1
 EE637 invF::Tn5-lacZY 1
 EE656 prgH::Tn5-lacZY 2
 JLR138 CS401 with sspC::Tn5-lacZY from EE638 This work
 JLR135 CS401 with invF::Tn5-lacZY from EE637 This work
 JLR136 CS401 with prgH::Tn5-lacZY from EE656 This work
 JLR141 JLR138 with hilA::kan from VV341 This work
 JLR149 JLR135 with hilA::kan from VV341 This work
 JLR140 JLR136 with hilA::kan from VV341 This work
 JLR147 JLR141 with pCJ20 This work
 JLR150 JLR149 with pCJ20 This work
 JLR145 JLR140 with pCJ20 This work
 JLR153 JLR141 with pCJ13d This work
 JLR155 JLR149 with pCJ13d This work
 JLR156 JLR140 with pCJ13d This work
 pWSK29 Ampr, low-copy-number cloning vector 9
 pWKS30 Ampr, low-copy-number cloning vector 9
 pWKSHRV2.3 Ampr, 2.3-kb HindIII-EcoRV fragment (contains all of orgA) Gift of C. Lee and V. Bajaj
 pCJ20 Ampr, contains 4.4 kb of sirC region 20
 pCJ20a-d Ampr (see Fig. 1) This work
 pCJ22 Ampr, contains 4.6 kb of sirB region 20
 pCJ22a-d Ampr (see Fig. 1) This work
 pCJ13d Ampr, contains sirA expressed from its own promoter 20
 pGPL01 Ampr, luciferase suicide vector 17
 psirC::luc Ampr, 1-kb HindIII-NruI fragment from pCJ20 in pGPL01 This work
 pKAS32 Ampr Strs, pGP704-based suicide vector 39
 pΔsirC Ampr Strs, used to create deletion of 748 bp of sirC This work
 pΔsirB Ampr Strs, used to create deletion of 1.2 kb of sirB ORF1 and ORF2 This work

ATCC, American Type Culture Collection.