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. 2022 Jul 29;13:930687. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.930687


Traditional uses of Skimmia anquetilia.

Place Part used Mode of use Traditional use References
NA Dried leaves Smoke To purify air Chopra et al., 1956
Some tribal hilly areas of Himalaya Fresh leaves NA Used in curries and as flavoring agent Anon, 1966
NA Dried leaves Powder Used as pesticide, insecticide Bhattarai, 1992
NA Fresh leaves Infusion Treatment of fever, freshness, headache, smallpox Bhattarai, 1992
Nepal Dried leaves and flowers Smoke Burned leaves and flowers are used for air purification and keep off evil spirits in the intention of accelerating the patient’s healing. Bhattarai, 1992
Tons valley of Gaharwal Himalaya Leaves NA Energy rich alcoholic drink known as “Soor” is prepared Rana et al., 2004
Far-Western Nepal Leaves Infusion Used for freshness and to treat headache Kunwar et al., 2010
NA Bark Powder To heal burns and wounds Negi et al., 2011; Singh and Rawat, 2011
Rawain valley of Utarkashi, Uttarakhand Leaves Paste A mixture of fresh leave and turmeric is used to treat rheumatism and inflammation Negi et al., 2011; Singh and Rawat, 2011
NA Root Paste Used to treat scorpion, snake bites Gondwal et al., 2012b
Pir-Panjal Range of Himalayas Whole plant NA Paralysis, pneumonia, lung cancer, anesthesia Wani et al., 2016

NA, not available.