Summary of bioefficacy of Skimmia anquetilia.
Biological efficacy | Plant part(s) evaluated | Test system | Tested substance | References |
Anti-arthritic | Leaves | In-vitro | Ethyl-acetate extract | Verma et al., 2020 |
Antibacterial | Leaves | In-vitro | Methanolic extract and active compounds isolated; Skimminan, Skimmin | Sharma et al., 2008a |
Leaves | In-vitro | Methanol extract | Nabi et al., 2022a | |
Root | In-vitro | n-Hexane, ethyl-acetate, and methanol extract | Nabi et al., 2022b | |
Anticancer | Leaves/stem bark/root bark | In-vitro | Essential oil | Wani et al., 2016 |
Anti-feedant | - | In-vitro | - | Negi et al., 2012 |
Flowers, leaves | In-vitro | Essential oil | Gondwal et al., 2012a | |
Anti-inflammatory | Leaves | In-vivo | Petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl-acetate, methanol, and aqueous extract | Kumar et al., 2012 |
Leaves | In-vitro | Petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl-acetate, methanol, and aqueous extract | Kumar et al., 2012 | |
Leaves | In-vitro | Ethyl-acetate extract | Verma et al., 2020 | |
Antioxidant | Seeds and fruit pulp | In-vitro | Aqueous extract | Prakash et al., 2011 |
Leaves/flowers | In-vitro | Aqueous extract and essential oil | Gondwal et al., 2012b | |
Leaves | In-vitro | n-Hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl-acetate, butanol, methanol, and aqueous fractions | John et al., 2014 |