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. 2022 Aug 15;27(4):e222112. doi: 10.1590/2177-6709.27.4.e222112.oar

Figure 3: A) Linear measurements; NPog= Nasion?Pogonion, NA= Nasion?A point, ANS-Me= Anterior Nasal Spine-Menton, CoA= Condylion-A point, CoGn= Condylion-Gnathion, U1-NA= Long axis of upper incisor?Nasion-A point, L1-APog= Long axis of lower incisor?A point-Pogonion, L1-NB= Long axis of lower incisor?Nasion-B point, ULE= Distance of upper lip anterior point and Esthetic line, LLE= Distance of lower lip anterior point and Esthetic line. B) Angular measurements; SNA= Sella.Nasion.A point, SNB= Sella.Nasion.B point, ANB= A point.Nasion.B point, SN.GoGn= Sella-Nasion.Gonion-Gnathion, SN.PP= Sella-Nasion.Palatal Plane, U1.SN= Long axis of upper incisor.Sella-Nasion, U1.PP= Long axis of upper incisor.Palatal Plane, U1.NA= Long axis of upper incisor.Nasion-A point, IMPA= long axis of lower incisor.Mandibular Plane, L1.NB= Long axis of lower incisor.Nasion-B point, I/I= Interincisal angle, NLA= Nasolabial angle.

Figure 3: