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. 2022 Aug 15;27(4):e222112. doi: 10.1590/2177-6709.27.4.e222112.oar

Table 3: Evaluation and comparison of linear and angular measurements obtained from Dolphin Imaging software used for DM cephalometric analysis and WebCeph platform used for AI-based automated cephalometric analysis, according to skeletal malocclusion classes.

Class I Class II Class III
Dolphin WebCeph p value Dolphin WebCeph p value Dolphin WebCeph p value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
SNA (º) 80.95 4.90 81.73 3.52 0.102 82.08 2.11 83.30 2.09 0.000 78.98 4.90 80.89 3.63 0.002
SNB (º) 78.97 5.34 78.23 4.06 0.075 76.13 2.22 77.01 2.15 0.005 82.13 5.69 81.54 4.20 0.221
ANB (º) 1.98 1.00 3.49 1.45 0.000 5.95 1.23 6.30 1.31 0.048 -3.13 1.95 -0.64 2.32 0.000
NA (mm) -1.43 3.62 0.62 3.06 0.000 1.66 3.07 2.79 2.39 0.014 -2.87 3.81 -0.08 2.86 0.000
NPog (mm) -4.27 7.41 -3.61 6.22 0.436 -5.94 6.07 -5.51 4.79 0.607 2.17 8.54 3.95 6.75 0.092
Y-axis (º) 61.06 4.30 59.71 3.28 0.004 60.87 3.20 59.80 2.75 0.018 57.82 4.58 57.00 3.16 0.135
SN.GoGn (º) 31.62 6.36 31.29 5.74 0.553 33.08 6.36 31.28 5.37 0.000 32.82 7.57 31.37 5.07 0.062
SN.PP (º) 6.57 4.42 8.90 2.99 0.000 8.95 4.19 8.96 2.31 0.992 7.08 4.51 9.27 2.43 0.001
ANS-Me (mm) 66.35 6.67 71.80 5.98 0.000 66.01 5.06 70.73 5.64 0.000 64.88 4.58 71.24 5.63 0.000
CoA (mm) 81.87 5.10 88.06 2.82 0.000 85.49 5.00 90.14 3.06 0.000 79.73 6.24 87.96 3.07 0.000
CoGN (mm) 116.67 7.89 120.01 5.36 0.011 114.59 5.93 117.03 5.60 0.017 120.48 8.55 126.50 6.63 0.001
U1.SN (º) 103.13 7.12 102.99 5.90 0.845 100.50 10.36 103.14 5.39 0.046 107.49 6.36 105.83 5.77 0.000
U1.PP (º) 110.10 7.03 111.86 4.94 0.028 109.36 9.08 112.10 4.47 0.019 114.79 5.80 115.10 4.58 0.760
U1-NA (mm) 4.65 2.34 3.23 1.79 0.000 2.65 3.82 3.27 2.08 0.170 6.27 1.89 4.05 1.64 0.000
U1.NA (º) 22.35 6.04 21.33 4.57 0.235 18.45 10.25 19.85 5.31 0.244 28.53 5.37 25.01 4.22 0.001
L1-APog 2.04 2.00 1.68 2.20 0.026 1.09 3.50 2.12 2.85 0.002 4.03 3.22 2.75 2.72 0.000
IMPA (º) 90.15 4.98 92.58 4.76 0.000 95.08 7.39 99.45 5.31 0.000 82.93 7.47 84.41 6.80 0.044
L1-NB (mm) 4.10 1.80 4.99 1.94 0.000 5.72 3.15 7.05 2.58 0.000 3.04 2.15 3.43 1.73 0.122
L1.NB (º) 22.62 5.41 23.89 4.06 0.128 26.46 8.96 29.26 4.76 0.018 19.49 5.27 18.69 3.73 0.265
I/I (º) 132.73 8.19 131.42 7.29 0.130 128.35 15.68 124.65 8.48 0.031 135.50 9.41 137.08 5.86 0.225
NLA (º) 110.73 11.45 99.95 7.41 0.000 110.00 11.83 99.56 5.28 0.000 101.64 13.67 91.65 9.62 0.000
ULE (mm) -4.98 2.03 -3.54 1.91 0.000 -2.66 2.15 -0.97 2.17 0.000 -6.28 3.30 -6.41 2.25 0.759
LLE (mm) -2.49 2.29 -2.94 2.53 0.046 -0.75 2.72 -0.73 2.58 0.932 -3.58 3.90 -3.55 2.73 0.943

NPog= Nasion?Pogonion; NA= Nasion?A point; ANS-Me= Anterior Nasal Spine?Menton; CoA= Condylion?A point; CoGn= Condylion?Gnathion; U1-NA= Long axis of upper incisor?Nasion-A point; L1-APog= Long axis of lower incisor?A point-Pogonion; L1-NB= Long axis of lower incisor?Nasion-B point; ULE= Distance of upper lip anterior point and Esthetic line; LLE= Distance of lower lip anterior point and Esthetic line; SNA= Sella.Nasion.A point; SNB= Sella.Nasion.B point; ANB= A point.Nasion.B point; SN.GoGn= Sella-Nasion.Gonion-Gnathion; SN.PP= Sella-Nasion.Palatal Plane; U1.SN= Long axis of upper incisor.Sella-Nasion; U1.PP= Long axis of upper incisor.Palatal Plane; U1.NA= Long axis of upper incisor.Nasion-A point; IMPA= long axis of lower incisor.Mandibular Plane; L1.NB= Long axis of lower incisor.Nasion-B point; I/I= Interincisal angle; NLA= Nasolabial angle; (º)= Degree (for angle); (mm)= millimeter (for distance); SD= Standard Deviation; Min= Minimum; Max= Maximum. Statistical significance degree= p < 0.05.