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. 2022 Aug 15;27(4):e222112. doi: 10.1590/2177-6709.27.4.e222112.oar

Table 5: Evaluation and comparison of the reliability of DM method and the AI-based automated method.

Class I Class II Class III Total
ICC* 95% CI ICC* 95% CI ICC* 95% CI ICC* 95% CI
Upper Bound Lower Bound Upper Bound Lower Bound Upper Bound Lower Bound Upper Bound Lower Bound
SNA (º) 0.885 0.774 0.942 0.757 0.518 0.877 0.820 0.643 0.909 0.855 0.786 0.901
SNB (º) 0.933 0.867 0.966 0.814 0.632 0.906 0.913 0.828 0.956 0.927 0.892 0.950
ANB (º) 0.715 0.435 0.826 0.801 0.605 0.899 0.899 0.799 0.949 0.959 0.940 0.972
NA (mm) 0.752 0.509 0.875 0.722 0.449 0.860 0.702 0.410 0.850 0.780 0.677 0.851
NPog (mm) 0.851 0.705 0.925 0.749 0.503 0.873 0.871 0.637 0.908 0.865 0.801 0.908
Y-axis (º) 0.874 0.751 0.936 0.782 0.567 0.890 0.809 0.622 0.904 0.854 0.785 0.901
SN.GoGn (º) 0.920 0.841 0.960 0.949 0.900 0.974 0.865 0.732 0.932 0.907 0.863 0.937
SN.PP (º) 0.832 0.668 0.915 0.595 0.197 0.796 0.637 0.281 0.817 0.684 0.535 0.785
ANS-Me (mm) 0.823 0.649 0.911 0.878 0.759 0.939 0.769 0.542 0.883 0.823 0.739 0.880
CoA (mm) 0.061 -0.861 0.526 0.521 0.051 0.758 0.319 -0.349 0.656 0.418 0.144 0.605
CoGN (mm) 0.578 0.164 0.787 0.666 0.338 0.831 0.416 -0.157 0.705 0.640 0.470 0.755
U1.SN (º) 0.878 0.759 0.939 0.737 0.480 0.867 0.769 0.541 0.883 0.791 0.693 0.858
U1.PP (º) 0.838 0.679 0.918 0.732 0.469 0.865 0.532 0.073 0.764 0.751 0.634 0.831
U1-NA (mm) 0.628 0.264 0.812 0.780 0.563 0.889 0.556 0.120 0.776 0.682 0.532 0.784
U1.NA (º) 0.724 0.453 0.861 0.774 0.552 0.886 0.429 -0.131 0.712 0.754 0.638 0.833
L1-APog (mm) 0.951 0.903 0.975 0.915 0.831 0.957 0.911 0.824 0.955 0.898 0.850 0.931
IMPA (º) 0.856 0.716 0.928 0.879 0.760 0.939 0.906 0.814 0.953 0.935 0.905 0.956
L1-NB (mm) 0.927 0.855 0.963 0.911 0.823 0.955 0.838 0.680 0.918 0.919 0.881 0.945
L1.NB (º) 0.663 0.333 0.830 0.727 0.460 0.862 0.740 0.484 0.869 0.800 0.705 0.864
I/I (º) 0.885 0.771 0.942 0.825 0.652 0.911 0.694 0.393 0.845 0.832 0.753 0.886
NLA (º) 0.566 0.140 0.781 0.671 0.349 0.834 0.797 0.598 0.898 0.752 0.635 0.832
ULE (mm) 0.759 0.522 0.878 0.835 0.674 0.917 0.761 0.526 0.879 0.857 0.789 0.903
LLE (mm) 0.922 0.845 0.960 0.918 0.837 0.958 0.772 0.548 0.885 0.878 0.820 0.917

NPog= Nasion?Pogonion; NA= Nasion?A point; ANS-Me= Anterior Nasal Spine?Menton; CoA= Condylion?A point; CoGn= Condylion?Gnathion; U1-NA= Long axis of upper incisor?Nasion-A point; L1-APog= Long axis of lower incisor?A point-Pogonion; L1-NB= Long axis of lower incisor?Nasion-B point; ULE= Distance of upper lip anterior point and Esthetic line; LLE= Distance of lower lip anterior point and Esthetic line; SNA= Sella.Nasion.A point; SNB= Sella.Nasion.B point; ANB= A point.Nasion.B point; SN.GoGn= Sella-Nasion.Gonion-Gnathion; SN.PP= Sella-Nasion.Palatal Plane; U1.SN= Long axis of upper incisor.Sella-Nasion; U1.PP= Long axis of upper incisor.Palatal Plane; U1.NA= Long axis of upper incisor.Nasion-A point; IMPA= long axis of lower incisor.Mandibular Plane; L1.NB= Long axis of lower incisor.Nasion-B point; I/I= Interincisal angle; NLA= Nasolabial angle; (º)= degree (for angle); (mm)= millimeter (for distance); CI= Confidence Interval. ICC= Intraclass Correlation coefficient (Cronbach’ Alpha).