Figure 6.
P19-expressing oncolytic Ad based on serotypes C 1, 2, 5, and 6 show higher potency in vivo compared with H101. Mice (n = 5 per treatment group) with preestablished A549 tumors (approximately 150 mm3) were intratumorally injected with 4 × 1010 vp of H101 or P19-expressing OAd based on serotypes C 1, 2, 5, and 6. A summary of the results of a single independent experiment is shown. A, Mean tumor volumes according to treatment group. The difference between the Ad2d24.P19, Ad6d24.P19 and the H101 group is significant at 55 days (P < 0.005). While all tumors eventually regrew, tumor regrowth was delayed in Ad1d24.P19. B, Kaplan–Meier survival plot using the day when tumors reached a volume of 500 mm3 or when mice had to be sacrificed due to tumor ulceration as endpoints. C, Individual animals and tumor growth kinetics in the different groups.