Table 3.
Things that could have been done differently |
More webinars (2) |
“National higher breast trainee webinars would also have been of value.” |
More online (live) teaching sessions/case-based reviews (3) |
More online educational resources (e.g. bank of mammograms) (1) |
More effort into (in-person) teaching to help get the most out of the placement (1) |
Better access to home workstations/reporting facilities (e.g. for mammography) (1) |
More/better opportunities for simulated biopsy practice (2) |
Remote access to the MDM (1) |
Dedicated time to allow for viewing of webinars and completion of eLfH modules. (1) |
“Needed clinical exposure. Could have had core breast radiology catch-up programmes nationally?” (1) |
Other comments |
Missed out on breast MRI (2) |
“If the normal rota was not disrupted it would have given more time for attending webinars and using other resources. Also stopping screening significantly reduced mammo reading numbers.” (1) |
Not had a core breast rotation at ST1 or 2, though not necessarily as a result of the pandemic, so have missed an educational opportunity and any opportunity to experience breast radiology before making career choice (1) |
“Not sure” (2) |
No |
“No” (13) |
Specific comments: “I was as well supported as I could be” |
“With such little time to prepare I think it would have been difficult” |
“Happy with training during pandemic” |
“Nothing could be done. The trainees were redeployed to the wards” |
“None, I had a near normal core breast rotation.” |
“Nothing. It was great.” |
Common themes have been grouped. Verbatim responses are given in quotation marks. The number of comments per grouped theme/comment is given in parenthesis. Comments were received from 28 respondents; note that in some cases respondents made more than one comment and these have been counted separately.