A) R7 subtype specification. Expression of Ss promotes the Rh4-expressing R7 fate. Absence of Ss yields the Rh3-expressing R7 fate.
B) Wild-type retinas contain 33% Rh3/SsOFF R7s and 67% Rh4/SsON R7s in a random pattern (left). ss protein null mutants contain only Rh3/SsOFF R7s and no Rh4/SsON R7s (right). Scalebar=20 μm.
ss gene locus. Black oval=exon; black arrow=promoter; red rectangle=silencer; green rectangle=enhancer; S1=silencer 1; S2=silencer 2; EE=early enhancer; LE=late enhancer.
D) Schematized eye-antennal imaginal disc. Antenna is subdivided into the A1, A2, and A3/arista. A=anterior; P=posterior; MF=morphogenetic furrow.
E-H) Schematized depiction of R7 maturation. Insets illustrate how cells proceed through development over time. Gray=undifferentiated cells/U; green=precursors/P; blue=differentiating cells/D; orange=R7.