Fig. 4.
Alox15–/– mice lose PUFA-induced susceptibility towards ischemia-induced myocardial damage. a Experimental schema for establishing ischemia animal model in PUFA-enriched in WT or Alox15–/– mice. All animals were intragastrically administered with LA (2 g/kg, 14 d) and then intraperitoneally injected isoproterenol (ISO), 40 mg/kg. The heart tissues were obtained one day after ISO injection. b Influence of PUFA on the survival rate of WT mice with ISO treatment (i.p., 40 mg/kg). *p < 0.05 by Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test (n = 8). c and d Effect of PUFA on heart function of WT or Alox15–/– mice with ISO treatment. c Representative echocardiography images. d The left ventricular ejection fraction (EF%) and left ventricular shortening fraction (FS%). The contents of NADPH (e) and GSH (f) were detected in heart tissues of ISO-injected WT or Alox15–/– mice. The levels of myocardial enzymes, including CK-MB (g), LDH (h) and AST (i) were analyzed in heart tissues of ISO-injected WT or Alox15–/– mice. j OPLS-DA score plots analyze the separation of oxidized oxPLs between WT and Alox15–/– mice. Each point represents a sample (n = 4–5). k Quantitative data for di-oxygenated PE species, including PE (36:4), PE (38:4) and PE (36:2) in heart tissues of ISO-injected WT or Alox15–/– mice. All the quantitative data are presented as mean ± SD and statistical significance was assessed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test (d–i) or t test (k). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 vs the “WT + PUFA” group; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001 vs “WT + ISO” group. &p < 0.05, &&p < 0.01, &&&p < 0.001 vs “Alox15–/–+PUFA” group; △p < 0.05, △△p < 0.01, △△△p < 0.001 vs “WT + PUFA + ISO” group