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. 2020 Oct 24;68(5):327–335. doi: 10.1111/idj.12390

Table 2.

Frequency of visits to an oral health professional in the last 12 months and crude odds ratio (OR) for don’t visit an oral health professional in the last 12 months

Variable % Last dental appointment more than 12 months % Last dental appointment in last 12 months Crude OR
Male 141 (26.8) 385 (73.2) 1.130 (0.867–1.472)
Female* 154 (24.5) 475 (75.5)
Health region
Lisbon* 38 (20.9) 144 (79.1)
North 38 (21.9) 136 (78.2) 0.704 (0.432–1.146)
Centre 48 (27.3) 128 (72.7) 0.745 (0.457–1.215)
Alentejo 35 (21.3) 129 (78.7) 0.724 (0.439–1.192)
Algarve 37 (20.7) 142 (79.3) 0.695 (0.425–1.135)
Azores 54 (43.2) 71 (56.8) 2.028 (1.249–3.294)
Madeira 45 (29.0) 110 (71) 1.091 (0.675–1.763)
Type of residency
Rural area 76 (32.5) 158 (67.5) 1.601 (1.148–2.233)
Peri-urban area 79 (25.1) 236 (74.9) 1.114 (0.811–1.530)
Urban area* 140 (23.1) 466 (79.6)
Mother’s educational level
Less than high school 138 (29) 338 (71) 1.837 (1.227–2.750)
High school 84 (23.4) 275 (76.6) 1.375 (0.896–2.109)
College degree* 38 (18.2) 171 (81.1)
Father’s educational level
Less than high school 160 (28.6) 400 (71.4) 1.733 (1.119–2.684)
High school 60 (21.8) 215 (78.2) 1.209 (0.741–1.973)
College degree* 30 (18.8) 130 (81.3)
Mother’s employment status
Worker* 200 (23) 668 (71)
Unemployed 40 (23.7) 129 (76.3) 1.036 (0.720–1.527)
Domestic 42 (45.2) 51 (54.8) 2.751 (1.775–4.262)
Other 9 (51.9) 8 (47.1) 3.757 (1.431–9.866)
Father’s employment status
Worker* 239 (24.5) 735 (75.5)
Unemployed 24 (28.1) 87 (71.9) 1.202 (0.788–1.834)
Other 12 (36.4) 21 (36.4) 1.757 (0.852–3.625)

*Reference class.

Statistical significant results are highlighted in bold.