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. 2022 Aug 9;5:e8. doi: 10.1017/pen.2021.5

Table 6.

Characteristics of gray matter volume meta-analysis studies with openness (11 studies)

Study Sample size (F/M) Mean Age (Range) Personality Instrument Image Process (Software) Covariate Threshold (Correction) Results (t range)
DeYoung et al., 2010 116 (58/58) 22.9 (18 – 40) NEO-PI-R VBM (BIS) Age, sex, TBV, other four traits 0.05 (cluster, MCS) (study without segmentation) NSig
Hu et al., 2011 62 (31/31) 26.6 (20 – 40) NEO-FFI VBM (SPM5) Age, gender, TGMV 0.05 (voxel, FWE) NSig
* When only control for TGMV: (t 5.31)
Pos. NSig
Neg. l MCG
Jauk et al., 2015 135 (84/51) 28.4 (18.08 – 55.67) BFSI VBM (SPM8) Age, sex, scanner, creativity (originality, fluency), intelligence 0.05 (cluster, MCS) (t 4.70)
Pos. NSig
Neg. r PCN
Kapogiannis et al., 2013 87 (42/45) 72.0 (59 – 85) NEO-PI-R VBM (SPM8) * This study performed a conjunction analysis between two time points 0.05 (cluster, FWE) (t 3.59–6.34)
Age (both time points), sex (both time points), ICV (Time 1), education (both time points), same trait (another time point), other four traits (both time points), time 1 and time 2 Pos. l THA, r SFG
Neg. l MFG, l STG, l PSC, l/r FSF, l IPG, l SMA, r sup. OFC, r SFG, r RCG, r PCN
Lewis et al., 2018 578 (268/310) 72.7 (NS) 50-IPIP SBM (CIVET 1.1.12) Age, sex, ICV, other four traits, intelligence 0.05 (vertex, FDR) NSig
T. Li et al., 2017 108 (64/44) 40.3 (19 – 60) NEO-FFI SBM (CCS) Age, sex, ICV 0.05 (voxel, FDR) NSig
Liu et al., 2013 227 (168/59) 25.8 (18 – 62) NEO-FFI VBM (SPM8) Age, sex, other four traits, scanner type 0.05 (cluster, FWE) NSig
Owens et al., 2019 1104 (599/505) 28.8 (22 – 37) NEO-FFI SBM (FS 5.3) Age, sex, ICV, other four traits 0.05 (cluster, MCS) (t 2.74–4.01)
Pos. l ITG, r INS
Neg. NSig
Privado et al., 2017 56 (56/0) 18.3 (17 – 22) NEO-FFI SBM (CIVET 2.0) TGMV 0.01 (vertex, FWE) Cor: NSig Uncor (p < .05): (t 2.08–2.71)
Pos. l MOG, l INS, r STG, r SPM, r FSF
Neg. NSig
Taki et al., 2013 274 (161/113) 51.2 (21 – 80) NEO-PI-R VBM (SPM8) Age, gender, ICV, other four traits 0.05 (voxel, FWE) NSig
Yasuno et al., 2017 37 (10/27) 28.1 (21 – 45) NEO-FFI VBM (SPM12) 0.05 (cluster, FWE) (T1w/T2w) (t 3.62–4.47)
Pos. Nsig
Neg. r medFG, r ACC, r INS, r PCC

Note. Threshold: The threshold denotes the threshold p value, correction level (voxel-/vertex- versus cluster-level), and correction method used in the study; Result t range: The range of the absolute t value for significant peaks reported by each study was presented in the Result column. If only one value was presented, it suggests only one significant peak from the study result. For studies with effect sizes as “NS (not specified),” meta-analysis was conducted with converting the threshold used in the study. Abbreviation used in the table can be found in Supplementary Table S20.