Fig. 3.
Figure 3a. Three-way Interaction: Intruder Genotype by Resident Genotype and Sex on Rates of Physical Aggression towards the Stranger-Males
Figure 3b. Interaction between Intruder Genotype and Resident Genotype on Frequency of Physical Aggression towards Intruder in Females
Fig. 3a and b. There was a significant three-way, resident sex-by-resident-genotype interaction (p = .001), with male residents that possessed the s-allele engaging in higher rates of physical aggression against the stranger than did l/l male residents or female residents of either genotype. Note that the data show the response of the residents in the context of the genotype of the stranger—see Fig. 2. Female residents rarely exhibited physical aggression toward the stranger, regardless of genotype. Data are presented as mean rates per 30 min. White bars indicate l/l genotype residents and black bars indicate s-allele genotype residents. * denotes p < .05, **** denotes p < .001. Error bars are standard errors.