The Cft2 yPIM and Mpe1 PSR can simultaneously bind polymerase module
(A) Circular view of the crosslinking mass spectrometry analysis of a polymerase module-Cft2(S)-Mpe1-RNA complex. Each line represents a crosslink. Cft2(S)-polymerase-module crosslinks are in color. Regions that are visible in the cryo-EM structures reported here are indicated with colored boxes around the edge of the circle.
(B) Surface representation of the polymerase module-Cft2(S) structure (gray) highlighting regions where Cft2(S) crosslinks to Pfs2 (yellow), Yth1 (pink), and Cft1 (green). Crosslinks between the yPIM and Cft1 are shown as pseudobonds (light blue dotted lines) and light blue surfaces on Cft1.
(C) Cryo-EM map of polymerase module-Mpe1-yPIM-RNA complex. The sample for this complex contains polymerase module, Mpe1, a yPIM peptide from Cft2, and the precleaved CYC1 RNA.
See also Figure S4 and supplemental information.