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. 2022 Aug 16;15(1):219–241. doi: 10.1007/s12571-022-01312-w

Table 14.

OLS estimation results for food insecurity experience scale (FIES) and household dietary divert score (HDDS) (n = 1031)

Variable name OLS model for FIES OLS model HDDS
Coefficient Standard error t-values Coefficient Standard error t-values
HH income loss amid-COVID (%) 0.021*** 0.003 7.19 -0.011*** 0.003 -4.10
HH job affected by COVID-19 (yes = 1) 0.455*** 0.162 2.80 -0.208 0.140 -1.48
Received family/friends support (yes = 1) -0.056 0.200 -0.28 0.353** 0.173 2.04
Received gov./NGO support (yes = 1) 0.252 0.246 1.03 -0.148 0.214 -0.69
Land size owned (ha) -0.024** 0.012 -2.04 0.008 0.010 0.83
Livestock size owned (TLU) -0.043*** 0.012 -3.70 0.028*** 0.010 2.71
HH in rural area (yes = 1) 0.116 0.177 0.66 0.122 0.153 0.80
Location Northern states (yes = 1) -1.120*** 0.189 -5.94 -1.208*** 0.164 -7.37
HH head male (yes = 1) -0.094 0.167 -0.56 0.313** 0.144 2.17
HH head age (years) -0.017** 0.007 -2.31 0.012* 0.006 1.89
Household size (#) 0.013 0.019 0.70 -0.033** 0.016 -2.03
HH head married (yes = 1) -0.213 0.195 -1.09 0.209 0.169 1.24
Education above secondary (yes = 1) -0.402** 0.165 -2.44 0.600*** 0.143 4.21
HH livelihood on-farm (yes = 1) 0.048 0.165 0.29 -0.611*** 0.142 -4.29
HH member migrated_COVID-19 (yes = 1) 0.377 0.265 1.43 -0.036 0.230 -0.15
Access to COVID-related info (yes = 1) 0.624** 0.296 2.11 0.404 0.258 1.57
Constant 5.002** 0.485 10.32 7.833*** 0.420 18.65
Model diagnostics for FIES Model diagnostics for HDDS
Mean dependent var 5.333 Mean dependent var 8.133
F-test 9.577 F-test 10.839
Akaike crit. (AIC) 3877.159 Akaike crit. (AIC) 3623.114
SD dependent var 2.472 SD dependent var 2.159
Number of obs 1031 Number of obs 1031
Prob > F 0.000 Prob > F 0.000
Bayesian crit. (BIC) 3957.987 Bayesian crit. (BIC) 3703.923

For the OLS model both FIES and HDDS were measured as continuous variables by summing of the ‘yes/no’ responses for the eight FIES questions (see Table 1) and the ‘yes/no’ responses on consumption of the eleven food groups (see appendix Table 9), respectively

* p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.1