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. 2022 Aug 3;13:838747. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.838747


Health status and risk behaviors of respondents.

Characteristics Depression symptoms P-value1

No Yes Total

n % n % n %
Drinking alcohol
No 442 67.1 143 63.0 585 66.0 0.263
Yes 217 32.9 84 37.0 301 34.0
No 496 81.9 154 77.4 650 80.8 0.166
Yes 110 18.2 45 22.6 155 19.3
Number of health problem
No health problem 331 50.1 53 23.3 384 43.2 <0.001
1 health problem 293 44.3 137 60.1 430 48.4
2 health problem and more 37 5.6 38 16.7 75 8.4
Institution of first choice
Central/Province hospital 95 14.4 26 11.5 121 13.7 <0.001
District hospital 66 10.0 53 23.5 119 13.5
Community health center 394 59.8 82 36.3 476 53.8
Private Clinic 51 7.7 45 19.9 96 10.9
Self-treatment 53 8.0 20 8.9 73 8.3
Health information
Friends/relatives 389 58.9 111 49.3 500 56.4 0.013
Poster/banner 39 5.9 18 8.0 57 6.4 0.270
Internet 266 40.2 88 39.1 354 40.0 0.765
Messages 34 5.2 11 4.9 45 5.1 0.877
Radio/television 321 48.7 62 27.4 383 43.3 <0.001
Speaker 125 18.9 93 41.3 218 24.6 <0.001
Newspaper 92 13.9 17 7.6 109 12.3 0.012
Health care worker 476 72.2 165 73.3 641 72.5 0.749
Social network 264 40.0 63 28.0 327 37.0 0.001
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD p-value
PHQ9 Score (unit: score) 1.50 1.51 7.00 3.16 2.91 3.16 <0.001
EQ-index (unit: score) 0.94 0.10 0.85 0.16 0.92 0.12 <0.001

1The p-value refers to test the statistical differences between people with depressive symptoms and those without.