Expression pattern of DAF‐2::AID::mNG and functional validation of its degradation by the auxin‐inducible system. (a) Image of DAF‐2::AID::mNG in 1‐day‐old daf‐2(kr462) adult. Scale bar: 100 μm. (b) Survival curves of control (N2) and daf‐2(kr462) animals (N = 2, n = 141 and 138 for N2 and daf‐2(kr462), respectively). (c) Survival curves of N2, daf‐2(e1370) mutants, and worms with ubiquitous depletion of DAF‐2. Data have been pooled from two independent experiments (n = 155–160 for each genotype) in which two different Peft‐3::TIR1 containing strains were tested. See Table S1 for strain description and Table S2 for detailed lifespan data, replicates, and statistics. (d, e) Body bends frequency at day 1 (d) and day 13 (e) of adulthood of N2, daf‐2(e1370), or daf‐2(kr462) worms, with or without ubiquitous expression of TIR1. The number of animals scored is indicated in each bar and corresponds to the pool of two experiments (see Figure 4 for more replicates). Bars indicate median values, means are represented by black horizontal lines, and brackets show standard deviations, ns: non‐significant, ***: p < 0.001, Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn's post hoc test with FDR method for adjusting p‐value. All experiments were performed at 20°C