DAF‐16 is required for motility regulation when DAF‐2 is inactivated in neurons but not in muscles. Body bends frequency of 1‐day‐old (a) and 13‐day‐old (b, c) adults with depletion of DAF‐2 and DAF‐16 in neurons or muscle (a, b) or with down‐regulation of unc‐120 by RNAi in a rrf‐3(pk1426) genetic background (c) (see Experimental procedure and Table S1 for detailed genotype of strains). Data from three independent experiments were pooled. The number of animals scored is indicated under each bar. The bars correspond to the median values, the means are represented by black horizontal lines, and brackets show standard deviations. Comparisons were done with Kruskal–Wallis, Dunn post hoc tests with FDR method to adjust p‐value, ns: not significant, *: p
adjusted <0.05, ***: p
adjusted <0.001