SUS-plot of control vs. pathogen and control vs. aphid with representative boxplots for metabolites at the extremes of the plot. The SUS-plot shows how metabolite levels differ between healthy seedlings and mildew infected seedlings vs. healthy seedlings and aphid infested seedlings. The axes of the SUS-plot are the p(corr)-values of each of the two pair-wise OPLS-DA models used in this figure (Supplementary Table 3). The box plots show the response of individual metabolites to attacker treatments, where the vertical axis of the box plots is the relative abundance of the metabolite after normalization. Significant differences between treatments are noted by a letter above the boxes where groups that do not share the same letter differ. There were eight replicates per treatment group, and each treatment is represented by a different color, with control plants as orange, powdery mildew infected plants as blue, aphid infested plants as green, and dual-infected plants as pink.