A Liver section of normal control rat showing central vein surrounded by hepatic cord of cells (normal architecture), B Liver section of rifampicin treated rats showing massive fatty changes, focal necrosis with portal inflammation and loss of cellular boundaries, C Liver section of rats RIF and 200 mg/kg of CVITT showing mild focal necrosis with sinusoidal dilatation, D Micro views of Liver tissue section of rats treated with RIF and 400 mg/kg of CVITT showing, absence of necrosis, slight congestion in central vein and less inflammatory cells, E Micro views of Liver tissue section of rats treated with RIF and 800 mg/kg of C.vitellinum showing regeneration of hepatocytes around central vein toward near normal liver architecture,
Key: CVITT- Crassocephalum vittellinum, RIF: rifampicin CV: central vein