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. 2022 Mar 31;18(1):42–57. doi: 10.1900/RDS.2022.18.42

Table 2.

Summary of studies included in the meta-analysis

Study Study type Participant characteristics Number of participants (age) Duration Intervention Placebo Country
Aghababaee (2015) <span style=”baseline”> 59]</span> RCT Dyslipidemia Inv: 36 (45.08±7.58) Con: 36 (45.61±8.69) 8 weeks 300 ml/d blackberry juice with pulp Usual diets Iran
Arvestöm (2018) <span style=”baseline”>[67]</ span> RCT Dyslipidemia Inv: 25 (66 (62-71)) Con: 25 (68 (62-74)) 8 weeks 10 g freeze-dried bilberries in capsules Capsules with bilberry flavor Sweden
Amani (2014) <span style=”baseline”>[72]</ span> RCT T2DM Inv: 19 (51.9±8.2) Con: 17 (51.1±13.8) 6 weeks Freeze-dried strawberry beverages (25g/d powder) Isocaloric drink with strawberry flavor Iran
Burton-Freeman (2010)<span style=”baseline”>[60]</ span> RC Dyslipidemia Inv: 12 Con: 12 (50.9±15.0) 2x6 weeks Strawberry drink containing 10 g/d freeze- dried strawberry Drink matched in energy and macronutrients USA
Basu (2010) <span style=”baseline”>[70]</ span> RCT MetS Inv: 15 (45.0±3.0) Con: 12 (48.0±5.3) 8 weeks Strawberry drink containing 50 g/d freeze- dried strawberry 4 cups of water USA
Basu (2011) <span style=”baseline”>[71]</ span> RCT MetS Inv: 15 Con: 16 (52.0±8.0) 8 weeks 480 ml/d cranberry juice 480 ml/d placebo drink USA
Basu (2014) <span style=”baseline”>[61]</ span> RCT Dyslipidemia LD-FDS: 15 (50±10) LD-C: 15 (48±10) HD-FDS: 15(49±11) HD-C: 15 (48±10) 12 weeks LD-FDS: 25 g/d HD-FDS: 50 g/d Freeze-dried strawberry powder Red food color, strawberry- flavored, fibers from vegetables and gums USA
Curtis (2019) <span style=”baseline”>[58]</ span> RCT MetS Inv 1: 39 (62.6±7.2) Inv 2: 37 (63.0±5.9 Con: 39 (62.9±8.1) 6 months Inv 1: % cup blueberries Inv 2: 1 cup blueberries Isocaloric and macronutrientmatching food UK
Kanellos (2014) <span style=”baseline”>[73]</ span> RCT T2DM Inv: 26 (63.7±6.3) Con: 22 (63±8.5) 24 weeks 36g/d of Corinthian raisins,fewer fruits and vegetables than usual Usual diet,fewer grapes and raisins Greece
Kianbakht (2014) <span style=”baseline”>[41]</ span> RCT Dyslipidemia Inv: 40 (51.3±15.27) Con: 40 (55.8±13.28) 2 months 4 times daily consumption of capsules containing 2.45 mg anthocyanin each 4 times daily consumption of placebo capsule containing no anthocyanin Iran
Li (2015)<span style=”baseline”>[46]</ span> RCT T2DM Inv: 29 (57.6±3.4) Con: 29 (58.1±2.3) 24 weeks 160 mg anthocyanin capsule twice daily Placebo capsule containing no anthocyanin twice daily China
Mirfeizi (2016)<span style=”baseline”>[74]</ span> RCT T2DM Inv: 30 (55±10) Con: 45 (54±12) 90 days 1 g/d of whortleberry Starch capsules Iran
Mulero (2012)<span style=”baseline”>[68]</ span> RCT Dyslipidemia Inv: 18 Con: 15 6 months 300 ml citrus juice including aronia berry extract once daily 300 ml citrus juice once daily Spain
Novotny (2015)<span style=”baseline”>[62]</ span> RCT Dyslipidemia Inv: 29 (49.8±11.3) Con: 27 (51.3±11.1) 8 weeks 240 ml/d low-calorie cranberry juice Placebo product, unclear masking USA
Paquette (2017) <span style=”baseline”>[63]</ span> RCT Dyslipidemia Inv: 20 (57±1) Con: 21 (60±1) 6 weeks Beverage containing 333 mg strawberry and cranberry polyphenols Flavor- matched drink containing no polyphenols Canada
Ruel (2008) <span style=”baseline”>[64]</ span> RC Dyslipidemia Inv 1: 30 Inv 2: 30 Inv 3: 30 Con: 30 (51±10) 4x4 weeks Inv 1: 125 mlcranberry juice + 375ml placebo drink Inv 2: 250 mlcranberry juice + 250 ml placebo drink Inv 3: 500 mlcranberry juice Control: 500 ml placebo drink Canada
Xie (2017) <span style=”baseline”>[65]</ span> RCT Dyslipidemia Inv: 25 (32.6±2.6) Con: 24 (37.4±3.0) 12 weeks 2 capsules daily providing 500 mg/d of aronia extract 2 placebo capsules identical in color and appearance daily USA
Javid (2018) <span style=”baseline”>[75]</ span> RCT T2DM Inv: 9 (57.88±6.03) Con: 12 (53.60±6.23) 8 weeks 200 ml/d cranberry juice No placebo product Iran
Zhang (2015) <span style=”baseline”>[49]</ span> RCT NAFLD Inv: 37 (44.9±7.5) Con: 37(46.9±7.7) 12 weeks 320 mg anthocyanin- containing capsules from bilberry and black currant Placebo capsules China
Zhu (2011) <span style=”baseline”>[69]</ span> RCT Dyslipidemia Inv: 73 Con: 73 12 weeks 320 mg anthocyanin/day Placebo capsule containing no anthocyanin China
Zunino (2011) <span style=”baseline”>[66]</ span> RC Dyslipidemia Inv: 20 Con: 20 Male: 29.4+6.6 Female: 31.8±11.4 7 weeks Diets provided 7/d/week containing 4 servings strawberries/day Diets provided 7/d/week containing no strawberry powder USA

Legend: Age given with ±SD, SEM, or range if provided. If age was not provided in articles per group for intervention and control groups, age shown is for both groups and sexes combined. Abbreviations: Inv -intervention group, Con -control group, LD-FD -low-dose freeze-dried strawberries, HD-FDS -high-dose freeze-dried strawberries, LD-C -low-dose freeze-dried strawberry control group, HD-C -high-dose freeze-dried strawberry control group, RC - randomized crossover, RCT - randomized controlled trial, T2DM - type 2 diabetes mellitus.