Figure 3. Relationship between time-resolved connectivity and eigenmodes.
(A) The prediction of static functional connectivity based on structural connectivity for all three groups (healthy control [HC], minimally conscious state [MCS], and unresponsive wakefulness syndrome [UWS]) in terms of the Pearson correlation coefficient. (B) The prediction of time-resolved functional connectivity based on eigenmodes. These distributions of eigenmode predictions are accompanied with predictions based on surrogate data. We further illustrate the level of fluctuations in eigenmode expression for all three groups (HC, MCS, and UWS) for dominant (reflecting network integration, C) and non-dominant eigenmodes (reflecting increasing network segregation, D) accompanied with results for surrogate data, ** and *** denote p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively (Mann–Whitney U tests). (E–G) Metastability is strongly correlated to modulations in eigenmode expression within every group.