Table 1.
Component | Target trial specification | Target trial emulation |
Eligibility |
Same. |
Treatment strategies |
Individuals are excused from following the assigned strategy after thrombosis (when anticoagulation treatment must be started) and after active bleeding or platelet count <50,000/mL (when anticoagulation must be discontinued). |
Same. |
Treatment assignment | Individuals are randomly assigned to one of the strategies. Individuals are aware of the strategy they are assigned to. | Individuals are assigned to the strategy their baseline data are compatible with. |
Follow-up | For each individual, follow-up starts at the time of assignment to a strategy and ends at death, hospital discharge, or 28 days after hospitalization. | Same. |
Primary end point | All-cause mortality at 28 days. We assume no deaths occurred after hospital discharge. | Same. |
Causal contrast | Per-protocol effect. Intention-to-treat effect. |
Observational analog of the per-protocol effect. |
Statistical analysis | Intention-to-treat analysis: 28-day survival curves and hazard ratios are estimated using pooled logistic regression models. Individuals who are discharged are assumed to remain alive through day 28. Per-protocol analysis: Same as intention-to-treat analyses, with two exceptions. First, individuals are censored when their data stop being compatible with the strategy they are assigned to. Second, each individual receives a time-varying inverse probability weight to adjust for the potential selection bias introduced by censoring. |
Same as per-protocol analysis except that, for individuals having treatment and laboratory data compatible with both strategies at baseline, we created two clones and assigned each clone to a different strategy. |