pRNA synthesis by primase-K241R. A six-His tag was fused
to the N terminus of primase by using the vector pET-21d, and
HT-primase was prepared by affinity purification on Ni resin. In the
same vector, Lys241 was changed to Arg (HT-primase-K241R) by
site-directed mutagenesis. (A) Comparison of the activity of HT-primase
with two independent preparations of wild-type primase that does not
contain a His tag. In this experiment, [α-32P]UTP was
used to label the pRNA products. Care was taken to use identical
amounts of primase in each reaction mixture and to load identical
aliquots of the reaction mixture on the polyacrylamide gel. (B) pRNA
synthesis by HT-primase and HT-primase-K241R was assayed under the
standard conditions with [α-32P]GTP (see Materials and
Methods). In both experiments, the synthesis products were separated on
a 20% polyacrylamide–7 M urea gel (20 by 40 cm). To visualize the
dimer pRNA in panel B, most of the [α-32P]GTP was run
out of the leftmost gel and the bottom region of the frozen gel was
autoradiographed for a shorter time, as shown in the rightmost gel.