Variable | Number of participants (percentage %) |
Total sample | 48 (100%) |
Gender | |
Female | 38 (79%) |
Male | 10 (21%) |
Age | |
15–20 years | 28 (58%) |
21–25 years | 9 (19%) |
26–35 years | 11 (23%) |
Parental psychopathology | |
Yes | 30 (64%) |
No | 17 (36%) |
(1, 2%)* | |
Previous psychiatric admission | |
Yes | 23 (48%) |
No | 25 (52%) |
Previous self-harm (last 2 weeks) | |
Yes | 18 (38%) |
No | 30 (62%) |
Previous suicide attempt (lifetime) | |
Yes | 28 (74%) |
No | 10 (26%) |
(10, 21%)* | |
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) | |
0 | 9 (20%) |
1 | 8 (17%) |
2 | 3 (4%) |
3 | 5 (11%) |
>4 | 22 (48%) |
(2, 4%)* | |
ACE abuse by category | |
Emotional | 22 (48%) |
Physical | 18 (39%) |
Sexual | 13 (28%) |
Neglect by category | |
Emotional | 8 (17%) |
Physical | 13 (28%) |
Household dysfunction by category | |
Parental divorce/separation | 22 (48%) |
Domestic violence | 12 (26%) |
Mental illness in household | 28 (61%) |
House-member in prison | 9 (20%) |
Household substance misuse | 19 (41%) |
*Number of participants with missing data for this item, percentage of cases this represents.