IdentifyPrimaryObjects |
Identifies the nuclei via Hoechst staining. Determine the typical diameter empirically by testing different image sets. Nuclei touching the border of the image are removed. |
Threshold |
Converts the SMI312 grayscale image into a binary image for masking the nuclei in the next step. |
MaskObjects |
Keeps only those nuclei with at least 20% overlap with the SMI312 staining. This way only neuronal nuclei will remain. This might be necessary for primary cultures with a mixed assortment of cell types. |
IdentifySecondaryObjects |
Identifies axons (+cell body) in the SMI312 image around the previously identified and masked nuclei. |
IdentifySecondaryObjects |
Identify dendrites (+cell body) by using the MAP2 image around the previously identified and masked nuclei. |
MaskObjects |
Both SMI312 and MAP2 stain the cell body next to axons and dendrites, respectively. By masking the SMI312 staining with the MAP2 staining the overlap is considered the cell body. |
IdentifyTertiaryObjects |
Removes the cell body from the ‘axons+cell body’ identified before so that only the axons will remain. |
IdentifyTertiaryObjects |
Removes the cell body from the ‘dendrites+cell body’ identified before so that only the dendrites will remain. |
MeasureObjectSizeShape |
Measures the size and shape of axons and dendrites. |
ConvertObjectsToImage |
The skeleton module requires a binary picture, so this module converts the identified axons to a binary image. |
ConvertObjectsToImage |
The skeleton module requires a binary picture, so this module converts the identified dendrites to a binary image. |
MeasureObjectSkeleton |
Measures the skeletal features (branches, endpoints, trunks) for the axons starting from the cell body. |
MeasureObjectSkeleton |
Measures the skeletal features (branches, endpoints, trunks) for the dendrites starting from the cell body. |
ExportToSpreadsheet |
Exports the data (number of objects, measurements, etc.). |