Relevant Question(s) |
CVD Q1 |
Has a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had coronary (kor-o-nare-ee) heart disease? |
CVD Q2 |
Has a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had a heart attack (also called myocardial infarction (my-o-car-dee-al in-fark-shun))? |
CVD Q3 |
Has a doctor or other health professional ever told {you/SP} that {you/s/he} . . .had angina (an-gi-na), also called angina pectoris? |
Alcohol use disorder |
Heavy drinking is defined as consuming 8 or more drinks per week in females and 15 or more drinks per week in males |
Smoking Q1 |
Smoked at least 100 cigarettes in life |
Smoking Q2 |
Have {you/SP} ever used an e-cigarette even once? |
Smoking Q3 |
{Have you/Has SP} ever used smokeless tobacco even once? (Smokeless tobacco products are placed in the mouth and nose and include chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, snus (pronounced as "snoose"), and dissolvable tobacco.) |
Smoking Q4 |
{Have you/Has SP} ever smoked a regular cigar, cigarillo, or little filtered cigar even one time? |
Smoking Q5 |
During the past 30 days, on the days that {you/SP} smoked, about how many cigarettes did {you/s/he} smoke per day? |
Smoking Q6 |
Methamphetamine |
Have you ever, even once, used methamphetamine? |
Cocaine |
Have you ever, even once, used cocaine, in any form? |
Heroin |
Have you ever, even once, used heroin? |
Marijuana or hashish |
Have you ever, even once, used marijuana or hashish? |
Injectable illegal drug |
Which of the following drugs (cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, steroids) have you injected using a needle? |