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. 2022 Apr 4;149(5):e2021054729. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-054729


Surgical Patient and Procedure Characteristics by Age Group

Variable/Age group Infant to Preschool-Aged, 0–4 y, n = 40 541 (32.6%) School-Aged Children, 5–10 y, n = 40 221 (32.4%) Adolescents, 11–17 y,n = 43 487 (35.0%) Overall, n = 124 249
Patient characteristics
 Age, median (IQR) 3.0 (1.0–4.0) 7.0 (5.0–8.0) 15.0 (13.0–16.0) 7.0 (4.0–14.0)
 Female sex, n (%) 15 345 (38.0) 18 191 (45.5) 22 124 (50.9) 55 880 (45.0)
Surgical procedures, n (%)
 Adenoidectomy 13 515 (33.5) 6048 (15.1) 1604 (3.7) 21 167 (17.1)
 Appendectomya 2285 (5.7) 6143 (14.1) 8565 (6.9)
 Arthroscopic knee surgery 11 816 (27.2) 12 093 (9.7)
 Cholecystectomy 1165 (2.7) 1239 (1.0)
 Circumcision 5747 (14.2) 1450 (3.6) 1249 (2.9) 8446 (6.8)
 Dental surgery 6200 (15.4) 5747 (14.4) 10 320 (23.7) 22 267 (17.9)
 Orchiopexy 1388 (3.4) 1319 (3.3) 1367 (3.1) 4074 (3.3)
 Tonsillectomy +/− adenoidectomy 13 540 (33.5) 23 098 (57.8) 9823 (22.6) 46 461 (37.4)
Common comorbidities,b n (%)
 OSA history 7575 (18.8) 8974 (22.5) 2339 (5.4) 18 891 (15.2)
 Congenital defect diagnosis 794 (2.0) 590 (1.5) 709 (1.6) 2103 (1.7)
 Cardiovascular diagnosis 626 (1.5) 492 (1.2) 490 (1.1) 1615 (1.3)
 Neurologic/neuromuscular diagnosis 428 (1.1) 449 (1.1) 385 (0.9) 1262 (1.0)
Race or ethnicity, n (%)
 White, non-Hispanic 24 950 (61.8) 26 872 (67.3) 30 348 (69.8) 82 445 (66.4)
 Black or African American 2412 (6.0) 2182 (5.5) 2493 (5.7) 7190 (5.7)
 Asian, non-Hispanic 1244 (3.1) 1267 (3.2) 1162 (2.7) 3681 (3.0)
 Hispanic/Latino 3487 (8.6) 4227 (10.6) 4219 (9.7) 11 989 (9.6)
 Other/unknown 8297 (20.5) 5399 (13.5) 5265 (12.1) 19 025 (15.3)

IQR, interquartile range; —, not applicable.


Procedures with <100 occurrences across 12 calendar months were not included in age brackets.


Comorbidities with 1% prevalence were not included.