Figure 2.
Expression and clinical significance of UCHL5 and COPS5 in tumors with p53 deficiency. a-b, Relative levels of UCHL5 (a) and COPS5 (b) in 12 DLBC tissues and 5 noncancerous tissues from GEO dataset GSE26725. c-d, The Kaplan-Meier method was used to evaluate the relationship between UCHL5 (c) and COPS5 (d) expression and overall survival of 42 DLBC patients from TCGA dataset. e-f, Relative levels of UCHL5 (e) and COPS5 (f) in 258 SARC tissues and 3 noncancerous tissues from TCGA dataset. g-h, The Kaplan-Meier method was used to evaluate the relationship between UCHL5 (g) and COPS5 (h) expression and overall survival of 258 SARC patients from TCGA dataset. i-j, The expression correlation of p53 with UCHL5 (i) or COPS5 (j) in 12 DLBC tissues from GEO dataset GSE26725. k-l, The expression correlation of p53 with UCHL5 (k) or COPS5 (l) in 258 SARC tissues from TCGA dataset. m-n, Relative levels of UCHL5 (m) and COPS5 (n) in 19 OS tissues and 4 noncancerous tissues from GEO dataset GSE28425. o-p, The Kaplan-Meier method was used to evaluate the relationship between UCHL5 (o) and COPS5 (p) expression and overall survival of 86 OS patients from TCGA dataset. DLBC, diffuse large b-cell lymphoma; SARC, sarcoma; OS, osteosarcoma.