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. 2022 Aug 4;13:954478. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.954478


Model statistics and significance levels for the comparison of PC axes values for the groupings harvested material (DAS 72 and 101) and water status of the cores in contrast to the other grouping.

PC axis Water status
Model statistics
Comparison Comparison Kendall’s tau Rank Correlation
Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test
z tau (τ) P-value Significance V P-value Significance
PC1 Logged DAS 72 DAS 101 9.979 0.532 <1 × 10–10 *** 1,967 <1 × 10–10 ***
Normal DAS 72 DAS 101 2.449 0.131 0.014 * 36 <1 × 10–10 ***
PC2 Logged DAS 72 DAS 101 1.757 0.094 0.079 NS 12,695 <1 × 10–10 ***
Normal DAS 72 DAS 101 1.732 0.092 0.083 NS 445 <1 × 10–10 ***
PC3 Logged DAS 72 DAS 101 6.007 0.320 1.893 × 10–9 *** 4,232 1.694 × 10–4 ***
Normal DAS 72 DAS 101 5.495 0.293 3.907 × 10–8 *** 12,875 <1 × 10–10 ***
PC1 Logged Normal DAS 72 0.282 0.015 0.778 NS 0 <1 × 10–10 ***
Logged Normal DAS 101 3.332 0.178 8.629 × 10–4 *** 2 <1 × 10–10 ***
PC2 Logged Normal DAS 72 0.285 0.015 0.776 NS 12,053 <1 × 10–10 ***
Logged Normal DAS 101 −0.558 −0.030 0.577 NS 323 <1 × 10–10 ***
PC3 Logged Normal DAS 72 1.374 0.073 0.170 NS 820 <1 × 10–10 ***
Logged Normal DAS 101 0.815 0.043 0.415 NS 9,506 1.765 × 10–7 ***

The upper part of the table compares cores within the same water status between harvests. The lower part of the table compares between water status for the same harvest. DAS, days after sowing.

***p < 0.001.

**p < 0.01.

*p < 0.05.

NSp > 0.05.