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. 2022 May 23;100(8):skac191. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac191

Table 3.

Pearson correlation coefficients for appearance and aroma attributes from baked dog treats scored by the sensory descriptive panel.

Variables Appearance Aroma
Brown Surface Roughness Surface Crack Overall Intensity Grain Musty/ Dusty Toasted Cardboard Stale Sweet Aromatics
APR Brown 1 0.098 -0.515 0.443 0.437 0.944 0.467 0.041 0.298 0.391
Surface Roughness 0.098 1 -0.179 -0.278 -0.337 -0.083 -0.014 -0.120 -0.153 -0.472
Surface Crack -0.515 -0.179 1 -0.103 0.070 -0.372 -0.534 0.620 -0.335 -0.140
ARM Overall Intensity 0.443 -0.278 -0.103 1 0.808 0.543 0.720 0.395 0.687 -0.156
Grain 0.437 -0.337 0.070 0.808 1 0.607 0.610 0.316 0.516 -0.071
Musty/ Dusty 0.944 -0.083 -0.372 0.543 0.607 1 0.505 0.217 0.396 0.313
Toasted 0.467 -0.014 -0.534 0.720 0.610 0.505 1 -0.024 0.922 -0.305
Cardboard 0.041 -0.120 0.620 0.395 0.316 0.217 -0.024 1 0.163 -0.158
Stale 0.298 -0.153 -0.335 0.687 0.516 0.396 0.922 0.163 1 -0.369
Sweet Aromatics 0.391 -0.472 -0.140 -0.156 -0.071 0.313 -0.305 -0.158 -0.369 1
FVR Starchy 0.271 -0.214 -0.093 0.638 0.486 0.496 0.605 0.538 0.752 -0.378
Toasted 0.278 -0.342 0.322 0.622 0.376 0.390 -0.013 0.754 0.085 0.164
Sweet Aromatics 0.011 -0.777 0.083 0.188 0.100 0.026 -0.270 -0.052 -0.248 0.699
TEX Initial Crispness 0.891 0.167 -0.422 0.709 0.658 0.868 0.735 0.179 0.575 0.035
Fracturability 0.718 0.363 -0.301 0.626 0.565 0.753 0.596 0.379 0.441 -0.240
Particle (Residuals) 0.702 0.025 0.059 0.681 0.612 0.662 0.314 0.426 0.204 0.236
AFT Cardboard -0.611 -0.042 0.157 -0.629 -0.767 -0.755 -0.511 -0.212 -0.396 0.224

Pearson (r-values) in bold are different from 0 (P<0.05). Appearance (APR), aroma (ARM), flavor (FVR), texture (TEX), aftertaste (AFT)