Fig. 3.
Additional protein density bound to SlpA. (A) Density map of SlpA OMBB trimer at a contour level of 5 σ shown in light blue embedded in a detergent micelle (white). An additional protein density (orange) is partially resolved, present in a subclass of particles seen in 2D class averages. (Scale bars: 50 Å; in Inset, 100 Å.) (B–D) Closeup view of the additional density seen from the Side B, Top C, and Bottom D. The accessory protein adopts a trimeric β-sandwich fold which is aligned with the OMBB without occluding the pore region. (E) Rigid body fit of the AlphaFold2 (37) (AF2) model of the uncharacterized protein DR_0644, which has been previously identified to be associated with SlpA (34), into the extra density not explained by SlpA. The model of the protein fits exceptionally well from the mature N-terminus (N, Gly20) to the C-terminus (C, Arg206), with the exception of an unstructured loop (82 to 133), which is in agreement with its low confidence of the pLDDT as measured by AF2. (F and G) The β-sandwich fold of the trimeric DR_0644 (red, orange-red, and orange ribbons) is completed by strand insertion of the first β-strand of the next clockwise oriented subunit, as seen from the Top F and Side G. (H and I) The interface of the SlpA:DR_0644 is stabilized by a prominent salt bridge between SlpA R245 and DR_0644 D186 and further protein:protein interactions such as hydrogen bonding between SlpA N240 and DR_0644 H183. (Scale bars in B–G, 10 Å; in H and I, 5 Å.)