Figure 3.
Behavioral phenotype of Caenorhabditis elegans PPFIBP1 ortholog, hlb-1(syb4896)
(A–C) Example behavioral and postural features altered in the loss-of-function hlb-1(syb4896) [C. elegans ortholog of PPFIBP1] mutant strain under baseline (pre-stimulus) imaging conditions. Individual points marked on the box plots are average values from multiple worms in a single well. The different point colors indicate data from independent experimental days. The selected features were compared to the N2 reference strain with block permutation t-tests, and p values are shown above the respective plots.
(D) Pharyngeal pumps per minute of hlb-1(syb4896) and N2 reference strain.
(E) Overall fraction of worms moving forward 60 s prior to and 80 s following stimulation with a 10 s blue light pulse (blue shading). Colored lines represent averages of the detected fraction of paused worms across all biological replicates and shaded areas represent the 95% confidence intervals.
(F–H) Average changes in the total fraction of worms moving forward or paused prior to, during, and following stimulation with blue light (F and G), average change in an example postural feature in response to blue light (H). Feature values were calculated as averages of 10 s window summaries centered around 5 s before, 10 s after, and 20 s after the beginning of a 10 s blue light pulse (blue shading).
(I) Heatmap of the entire set of 8,289 behavioral features extracted by Tierpsy for hlb-1(syb4896) and N2. The stim_type barcode denotes when during image acquisition the feature was extracted: pre-stimulation (pink), blue light stimulation (blue), and post-stimulation (green). Asterisks indicate the selected features present in the box plots above (A–C) and the color map (right) represents the normalized Z score of the features.