Fraction of paused worms in response to treatment with aldicarb or levamisole
(A and B) Overall fraction of paused worms after (A) 1 h exposure to aldicarb and (B) 4 h exposure to levamisole at the concentrations denoted under the boxplots. N2 (grey) and hlb-1 (blue) are solvent only controls (DMSO and ddH2O for aldicarb and levamisole, respectively). Individual points marked on the box plots are averaged values from multiple worms in a single well. The different point colors indicate data from independent experimental days. The fraction of paused hlb-1(syb4896) worms was compared to the fraction of paused N2 worms at each concentration with block permutation t-tests, with p > 0.05 considered not significant (ns), n = 30 wells for each compound and concentration tested.