Figure 6.
Effects of AAV9-U1-FD in dorsal root ganglia in FD mice
Volcano plots showing (A, D, and G) differential gene expression changes, alternative splicing changes in (B, E, and H) skipped exon (SE), and (C, F, and I) mutually exclusive exons (MXE) categories at PND-10 in three groups, WT (h-TgFD9/+), FD (IkbkapΔ20/Ikbkapflox; h-TgFD9/+), and T (IkbkapΔ20/Ikbkapflox; h-TgFD9/+ treated with AAV9-ExSpe-U1-FD). In (A)–(C), FD mice are compared to WT mice (FD vs WT); in (D)–(F), T mice are compared to WT mice (T vs WT); in (G)–(I), T mice are compared to FD mice (T vs FD). In (A), (D), and (G), horizontal blue line (padj ≤ 0.05) and vertical red lines (log2FoldChange ≤−1 or ≥1) indicate cut-off values and determine significant down- and up-regulated events, respectively. In the remaining panels (B, C, E, F, H, and I), horizontal blue line (FDR ≤ 0.05) and vertical red lines (inclusion level difference ≤−0.2 or ≥0.2) indicate cut-off values and determine significant events in each category. In (A) and (D), the red dot represents murine Elp1; in (E) and (H), the red dot represents human ELP1 exon 20.