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. 2022 Feb 16;39(3):1097–1116. doi: 10.1007/s10460-022-10307-4

Table 2.

Farm households with medical debt and who are not confident that they could pay for cost of major illness or injury without going into debt (in % unless otherwise noted)

Have medical debt (n = 1009) Not confident (n = 993)
Proportion p Proportion p
All farm households 20.3 55.4
Health insurance arrangements (Inline graphic)
 Coverage for all household members all year 0.048 0.001
  Yes 19.5 54.0
  No 29.1 74.1
 All household members had same plan 0.002 n.s.
  Yes 17.9 n.s.
  No 26.9 n.s.
 Had medical debt over $1000 n.a. 0.000
  Yes n.a. 66.6
  No n.a. 52.6
 Off-farm employment n.s. 0.044
  Yes n.s. 51.4
  No n.s. 57.9
 Direct purchase of private plan n.s. 0.042
  Yes n.s. 59.4
  No n.s. 53.0
 Age-based public health insurance n.s. 0.000
  Yes n.s. 40.5
  No n.s. 60.0
 Means-based public health insurance 0.005 n.s.
31.1 n.s.
19.0 n.s.
 Health insurance deductible 0.016 0.000
  No deductible 14.3 35.7
  $1 to $1999 15.9 47.8
  $2000 to $5000 25.3 60.2
  More than $5000 21.9 65.8
 Out-of-pocket expenses 0.000 0.001
  Up to $999 12.2 47.5
  $1000 to $2999 14.2 49.7
  $3000 to $4999 24.0 65.1
  $5000 and over 28.7 59.3
Farm individual (Inline graphic) and household (Inline graphic)
 Household member(s) with pre-existing or chronic condition 0.000 n.s.
  Yes 24.2 n.s.
  No 14.6 n.s.
 Age (mean) 55.4 0.000
 At least one child under 18 n.s. 0.002
  Yes n.s. 63.8
  No n.s. 52.5
 Female 0.021 0.005
  Yes 24.0 61.1
  No 17.9 51.9
 Education n.s. 0.001
  HS or less n.s. 59.3
  Some college n.s. 63.5
  Bachelor's degree and higher n.s. 48.0
Farm operation (Inline graphic)
 Multi-generational farmer n.s. 0.002
  Yes n.s. 58.2
  No n.s. 46.5
 Commodity produced
  Dairy n.s. n.s. 63.8 0.007
  Fruits and vegetables n.s. n.s. 45.7 0.013

n.a.. Not applicable, n.s.. not statistically significant