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. 2022 Aug 18;5(8):e2227248. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.27248

Table 2. Incidence Rate of COVID-19 Among PEH and in the General Population in Jurisdictions That Collected Data for 12 or More Months and Defined Homelessness Similar to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development Definition From January 2020 to November 2021.

Jurisdiction Duration of follow-up, y PEH General population
COVID-19 cases, No. Estimated No.a Incidence rate, per 10 000 person years (95% CI) COVID-19 cases, No.b Estimated No.c Incidence rate, per 10 000 person-years (95% CI)
State level
California 1.68 14 903 139 209 637.2 (627.1-647.5) 4 496 246 39 512 223 677.3 (676.7-678.0)
Colorado 0.75 2364 14 667 2149.0 (2064.0-2237.0) 337 281 5 758 736 780.9 (778.3-783.6)
Hawaii 0.46 94 6390 319.8 (259.9-389.6) 48 226 1 415 872 740.5 (733.9-747.1)
Illinois 1.83 1536 24 587 341.4 (324.6-358.8) 1 693 045 12 671 821 730.1 (729.0-731.2)
Maine 1.75 252 4531 317.8 (280.4-358.9) 89 989 1 344 212 382.5 (380.0-385.0)
Minnesota 1.48 1134 22 745 336.9 (317.7-356.9) 710 231 5 639 632 850.9 (848.9-852.9)
Oregon 1.68 550 17 210 190.2 (174.8-206.6) 330 055 4 217 737 465.8 (464.2-467.4)
Pennsylvania 1.52 393 8244d 313.6 (283.7-345.8) 1 429 296 12 801 989 734.5 (733.3-735.7)
Tennessee 0.61 339 10 519 528.3 (474.3-586.9) 478 774 6 829 174 1149.3 (1146.0-1153.0)
Utah 1.75 787 6478 694.2 (647.0-744.0) 508 494 3 205 958 906.3 (903.8-908.8)
Total 13.51 22 352 254 580 567.9 (560.5-575.4)e 10 121 637 93 397 354 715.0 (714.5-715.5)e
Local level
Chicago, Illinois (Cook County) 1.54 682 14 433 306.8 (284.5-330.5) 619 536 5 150 233 781.1 (779.2-783.1)
Lexington-Fayette County, Kentucky 1.43 240 1162 1444.3 (1270.0-1636.0) 48 953 323 152 1059.3 (1050.6-1069.2)
San Luis Obispo County, California 1.19 71 228d 2616.8 (2059.0-3281.0) 26 199 283 111 777.6 (768.3-787.1)
Stanislaus County, California 1.28 1098 1566 5477.7 (5161.0-5809.0) 71 888 550 660 1671.0 (1659.0-1683.0)
Total 5.44 2091 17 389 799.2 (765.5-834.0)e 766 576 6 307 156 812.5 (810.7-814.3)e

Abbreviation: PEH, people experiencing homelessness.


Population estimates of PEH are from the 2020 Point-in-Time estimates reported by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.1


Cases of COVID-19 in the general population were accessed from USAFacts.15


Population estimates for the entire jurisdiction are from the US Census Bureau.16


Pennsylvania and San Luis Obispo County, California, reported only assessing cases among PEH who stayed in homeless shelters. The Point-in-Time count includes only people staying in homeless shelters, not the total number of PEH.


The total incidence rate was calculated using the total number of cases divided by the sum of person-time contributed by all included jurisdictions.