Table 1.
Year | Journal | Animals | Stimuli methods | Test methods | Test level | Testing brain resions | Brain regions of significant increasing of c-fos |
1992 | Brain research | rats | auditory stimulation or sleep deprivation | Immunohistochemistry | Proteins | Brain stem | PPT,PB,SubC,NTS |
1993 | Sleep | rats | Cage rotation and cage tapping and gentle handling | Northern blots | mRNA | Thalamus, hypothalamus, cortex, cerebellum, pons | Pons, cerebellum |
1995 | Brain research | rats | auditory stimulation or sleep deprivation | Immunohistochemistry | Proteins | Brain stem, Diencephalon, Forebrain | SOL,PCR,PB,PPT,LDTG, SubCD, RD,SCH, LH, BLA |
1995 | J Sleep Res | rats | Gentle manipulation SD | in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry | Proteins/mRNA | Cerebral Cortex, Basal Ganglia, Hypothlamus,Thalamus, Brainstem | cortical regions, MPO, PH, thalamic nulei and nuclei of the dorsal protine tegmentum |
1996 | Brain research | cats | Gentle manipulation SD and water tank technique | Immunohistochemistry | Proteins | Preoptic area; lateral hypothalamus; cingulate cortex, the colliculi, pontine grey | MPO and LPO |
2001 | Behavioural Brain Research | rats | Forced, slow locomotion by a wheel driven by electric motor | Immunoreactivity | Proteins | PVH | MPA,cortex,PVA,PVP,amygdala,cPu and LDTg |
2003 | Neuroscience | mouse | Gentle manipulation SD | Immunohistochemistry/RT-PCR | mRNA | cerebral cortex, basal forebrain, thalamus and cerebellum | cerebellum, cortex and thalamus |
2017 | journal of Neuroscience | rats | Early night SD | Immunohistochemistry | Proteins | SCN | dorsal and the ventral SCH |
2019 | Brain Research | rats | Gentle manipulation SD(24hTSD) | Immunohistochemistry | Proteins | hippocampus and amygdala | hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions and the basolateral amygdala (BLA) |
SD, sleep deprivation; SCN,suprachiasmatic nuclei; LPO, lateral preoptic; MPO, medial preoptic; PH, posterior hypothalamic; PPT,pedunculo pontine tegmental nucleus; PB, parabrachial nucleus; SubC, subcoeruleus nucleus; SubCD, subcoeruleus (dorsal); NTS/SOL, solitary tract nucleus; PCR,parvocellular nucleus; LDTG, lateral dorsalis tegmental nucleus; RD, raphe dorsalis; SCH,suprachiasmatic nucleus; LH,lateral hypothalamic area; BLA, basolateral amygdaloid nucleus.