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. 2022 Aug 7;20:100478. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2022.100478

Table 1.

The summarization of previous studies that focused on the expression of c-Fos after sleep deprivation.

Year Journal Animals Stimuli methods Test methods Test level Testing brain resions Brain regions of significant increasing of c-fos
1992 Brain research rats auditory stimulation or sleep deprivation Immunohistochemistry Proteins Brain stem PPT,PB,SubC,NTS
1993 Sleep rats Cage rotation and cage tapping and gentle handling Northern blots mRNA Thalamus, hypothalamus, cortex, cerebellum, pons Pons, cerebellum
1995 Brain research rats auditory stimulation or sleep deprivation Immunohistochemistry Proteins Brain stem, Diencephalon, Forebrain SOL,PCR,PB,PPT,LDTG, SubCD, RD,SCH, LH, BLA
1995 J Sleep Res rats Gentle manipulation SD in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry Proteins/mRNA Cerebral Cortex, Basal Ganglia, Hypothlamus,Thalamus, Brainstem cortical regions, MPO, PH, thalamic nulei and nuclei of the dorsal protine tegmentum
1996 Brain research cats Gentle manipulation SD and water tank technique Immunohistochemistry Proteins Preoptic area; lateral hypothalamus; cingulate cortex, the colliculi, pontine grey MPO and LPO
2001 Behavioural Brain Research rats Forced, slow locomotion by a wheel driven by electric motor Immunoreactivity Proteins PVH MPA,cortex,PVA,PVP,amygdala,cPu and LDTg
2003 Neuroscience mouse Gentle manipulation SD Immunohistochemistry/RT-PCR mRNA cerebral cortex, basal forebrain, thalamus and cerebellum cerebellum, cortex and thalamus
2017 journal of Neuroscience rats Early night SD Immunohistochemistry Proteins SCN dorsal and the ventral SCH
2019 Brain Research rats Gentle manipulation SD(24hTSD) Immunohistochemistry Proteins hippocampus and amygdala hippocampal CA1 and CA3 regions and the basolateral amygdala (BLA)

SD, sleep deprivation; SCN,suprachiasmatic nuclei; LPO, lateral preoptic; MPO, medial preoptic; PH, posterior hypothalamic; PPT,pedunculo pontine tegmental nucleus; PB, parabrachial nucleus; SubC, subcoeruleus nucleus; SubCD, subcoeruleus (dorsal); NTS/SOL, solitary tract nucleus; PCR,parvocellular nucleus; LDTG, lateral dorsalis tegmental nucleus; RD, raphe dorsalis; SCH,suprachiasmatic nucleus; LH,lateral hypothalamic area; BLA, basolateral amygdaloid nucleus.